2011 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 11
For today's prompt, take the phrase "Maybe (blank);" replace the blank with a word or phrase; make the new phrase the title of your poem; and then, write the poem. Some example titles might be: "Maybe I should've read the instructions first," "Maybe I was wrong," "Maybe the world is flat," or whatever else y'all can muster.
Are you freakin kidding me? After a day that begins with a 3k run (getting there more and more), and ended with a long work day and walking home in the rain, this is my prompt? I'm not moved. Not interested. Nothing about this prompt is creating any response.
Let's try some musical inspiration. First shuffle song - "Girlfriend In A Coma", The Smiths. Second shuffle song - "Falls On Me", Fuel. Third shuffle song - "The Night Hank Williams Came To Town", Johnny Cash & Waylon Jennings.
Still nothing. Let's try three more. Fourth shuffle song - "The Old Apartment", Barenaked Ladies. Fifth shuffle song - "Top", Live. Sixth shuffle song - "Let Go", Hank Dogs. Ok, now this song is starting to loosen something in me. Maybe it was a combination of the six, but the last one is the one that started the drops of water to start to come out of the ice...
"Maybe Next Time"
Maybe next time,
You and I won't spend this night alone
I stop and watch you
Walking away from me
Down the long country road
Under an all knowing moon
You do not break stride
You do not look back
I don't even have to bother
Removing your number from my cell
You will not call me,
And I will not call you
Maybe next time,
We will see the same pitfalls
That we saw even before
We knew there was a problem
But in keeping silent
Was it worth the silence we suffer?
I turn around and walk away
My feet kicking away loose stones
I try and find my way in the dark
To a home I've never known
Where I will try to live my life
But without my reason for living
Are you freakin kidding me? After a day that begins with a 3k run (getting there more and more), and ended with a long work day and walking home in the rain, this is my prompt? I'm not moved. Not interested. Nothing about this prompt is creating any response.
Let's try some musical inspiration. First shuffle song - "Girlfriend In A Coma", The Smiths. Second shuffle song - "Falls On Me", Fuel. Third shuffle song - "The Night Hank Williams Came To Town", Johnny Cash & Waylon Jennings.
Still nothing. Let's try three more. Fourth shuffle song - "The Old Apartment", Barenaked Ladies. Fifth shuffle song - "Top", Live. Sixth shuffle song - "Let Go", Hank Dogs. Ok, now this song is starting to loosen something in me. Maybe it was a combination of the six, but the last one is the one that started the drops of water to start to come out of the ice...
"Maybe Next Time"
Maybe next time,
You and I won't spend this night alone
I stop and watch you
Walking away from me
Down the long country road
Under an all knowing moon
You do not break stride
You do not look back
I don't even have to bother
Removing your number from my cell
You will not call me,
And I will not call you
Maybe next time,
We will see the same pitfalls
That we saw even before
We knew there was a problem
But in keeping silent
Was it worth the silence we suffer?
I turn around and walk away
My feet kicking away loose stones
I try and find my way in the dark
To a home I've never known
Where I will try to live my life
But without my reason for living
posted by Jim Steinhoff at
9:06 PM
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