Friday, April 1, 2011

2011 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 1

For today's prompt, write a "what got you here" poem.


For this, I don't want to go in the route of a physical location or focus on the transportation device aspect of the poem. For this one, I want to instead focus on the moment. This very moment of writing this poem. What got me to this point:

An invitation by Celeste Hollister...

Who I originally met on MySpace...

On a Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan page...

A show I once watched with a true love...

Who I met when picking up a friend...

Who helped me find the means of a home...

After deciding to try for something more...

Exhausting myself in the art of growing up...

After a horrendous teenage experience...

When I moved away from my home in the forest...

Where my parents took me to live...

After deciding to start a family...

After a momentous encounter in church

In and of itself, there is something to what I just wrote there. It has a flow to it already, but I do not see it as a fully fleshed work. Instead, it is framework to draw from. I will use each of those sentences to draw inspiration and guidance. And like a lot of life's puzzles, I feel I will achieve the best results by working backwards. I also wish to try and put a pattern to it early in order to challenge the ability to write the thoughts into something more uniform than above.


A love beginning where it never had a chance...
A desire to take the newfound love and allow it grow...

In the forest where anything was possible and everything known...
Into a place where everything was unknown and anything impossible...

A younger man who winced and cried while being turned asunder...
A young man who nursed his scars while tears turned into healing...

In time there came the desire to follow the calling...
Into taking the heart's lead and creating a home...

A man was discovered who could be a peer and a mentor...
A woman was discovered who would be the key and the lock...

In the loss of their love there was the lure of a legend...
Into the search for the truth where distance became infinite...

A fellow traveler was found along an unknown road...
A following of the journey would become the only way they would know...

In an instant a lifetime is discovered...
Into the moment with a gasp of amazement...



Blogger Unknown said...

Nice, Jim. Really like the line "in the loss of their love there was the lure of a legend"

April 1, 2011 at 5:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


April 5, 2011 at 4:02 PM  

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