Thursday, March 24, 2011

A plan hatches (part 1)

Of late, I have become more aware. More insightful. Seeing the world through different eyes. Some people have referred me to being more enigmatic. Perhaps. This is either the start to a purer insight, or the beginning steps of insanity. We shall see.

But with the insight I possess, there comes new means of taking inspiration and enacting change. Let's take this past Tuesday, when I was trying to catch a bus. I admit to oversleeping and running to catch my bus to work. 100 yards. Made the distance, caught the bus. And it damn near killed me!

I have no illusions about my physical fitness. I am 6 foot and around 240-250 pounds (I don't own a scale, and find weight numbers utterly meaningless, but in this case, it helps with illustration), and I am in shape. Round. Round is a shape. Even with that, I should be able to physically perform at a satisfactory level. That jog from hell told me that I couldn't. Moment of realization.

If running kills me, and my favorite physical activity involves a hammock, then something needs to change. Back in the day, I ran a lot. I remember being able to jog around the campus on a daily/nightly basis without it being trauma. I'd like to get back to that.

Later that day, I talked to Amanda, my health coach. Yeah, I got one. Surprise! She told me of a program that could help me with that goal. I will be starting next week, and I encourage you to join me. No members fees, no giving me or a company your email address or setting up yet another account that you have to look in on. All I'm asking is that you check it out, and make the decision whether or not you want to commit to it.

It's called Couch to 5K. I read it over, and this is something that is pretty realistic. I'm committing. Check it out, and let me know if you want to join me.

The physical aspect is only the beginning. There is more to follow, and perhaps an even larger commitment I will ask of you. There are new roads and directions appearing all the time. It's just a matter of having the vision to see them, and the desire to go off the beaten path. More to follow - J.


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