Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 28

For today's prompt, write a "the world without something else" poem. If you remember on Day 3, I had everyone write a "the world without me" poem. This prompt imagines the world without something else, whether a person, place, thing, etc.


I'm kind of glad I had computer issues last night. I had an amazing dream last night, and it led to a complete and total re-write. I know I'm not the only one who dreams like this, so allow me to get all the details down before they fade into mist with the coming of the sun...


"A World Without You"

Waking up alone
The details begin to fade
But I remember

We met on moving day
As I was finishing up
You and your best friend
Were struggling with a sofa
And a turn in the stairs
For which neither of you
Were designed
An introduction to fate

Even covered in sweat
And wearing faded old clothes
One look in your eyes
Revealed your true beauty
The moment the eyes locked
Our worlds began to shift
As the days began to pass
We began to grow together

I loved looking in on you
Your Dad loved that I could fix things
Your best friend loved to press you
Because she could see what could be
You simply loved me
The night you first said the words
Was the night I let myself be loved
And the night we knew the truth

You had some amazing quirks
You loved your high fashion magazines
And could strike all the models poses
In fashion shows just meant for two
Romantic comedies in our collection
(Never ever call them chick flicks!)
In each others arms
We'd have the most amazing conversations

You controlled the decorating
I controlled the maintenance
Our new apartment in the city
Was our engagement present for each other
Not that it was a cakewalk
One ex suddenly remembered he loved you
And when "no" wasn't quite the right answer
Fists replaced words and the battle was won

And then we had "the big fight"
Everything we had built together
Soon to be put in boxes
And placed in storage forever
I begged for forgiveness
You pleaded for a second chance
We held each other accountable
We made each other stronger

The wedding day - amazing!
When I saw you walk down the aisle
There was absolutely no doubt
You are the most beautiful woman in the world
The honeymoon on the island
Everything we could have imagined
And when we got back to the states
We came back with an extra souvenir

Friends and family went above and beyond
To give us an incredible baby shower
You worried about getting bigger
I told you it made you more beautiful
And bless your heart when our son was born
10 pounds, 7 ounces
And we both could have sworn
He was already starting to smile

But it was a dream
Now I have to suffer in
A world without you



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